8 Things To Consider When Moving To A New Office

Image by Malachi Witt from Pixabay 

If you’re thinking of moving into a new business office but you’re unsure where to begin then don’t worry, you have definitely come to the right place. Whether you’re looking to move somewhere bigger or you want to move somewhere that is closer to the city, you need to be sure you’re choosing the right place for you. Luckily, there are lots of ways to ensure you’re doing exactly that. From setting yourself an overall budget for the move to working out how much space you need, the more prepared you are the better. With that in mind, here are 8 things to consider when moving to a new office: 

- What Is Your Overall Budget?

One of the first things you need to consider when it comes to moving to a new office is your overall budget, as this will ensure you’re not spending more than you can afford. Moving can be incredibly expensive and if you’re not planning out each individual aspect in advance, chances are you’re going to end up spending much more than you need to. This means thinking about your deposit, your monthly rent and how much it’s going to cost to move. For a guide to setting a budget as a business, you can visit this site here. 

- How Soon Do You Need To Move?

Another important thing to consider is when you need to move, as this will play a huge part in helping you choose the property you move into. Ideally, you need to find something that is available when you are, especially if you don’t want to pay for two properties at once. Whilst it can be difficult to find, a little bit of perseverance will definitely help. 

- Where Are You Moving To?

Once you know your budget and when you need to move by, you need to start thinking about where you’re going to move to. Whether you’re moving to a nearby city or you’re just moving around the corner, you need to find a location that is going to be suitable for all of your staff as well as for your clients. When it comes to thinking about your location, you may want to think about:

  • How your staff are going to get there every day
  • Whether it has good connections to railway stations and airports
  • How easy it is to receive deliveries 
  • Whether or not it is an accessible building or area
  • How important location is in terms of shipping

- How Much Space Do You Need?

Another important thing to consider is how much space you are going to need. Whether you’re expanding to fit more staff or you’re looking for something of a similar size, picking something that you know is big enough is vital. At this stage, you may also want to think about how you want your business to expand.

- Does It Require Any Renovations?

If you’re moving into a building that requires renovations, this is something you will need to factor into your budget. Whether it’s making your office ‘on-brand’ or it’s creating a space you’re happy with, chances are you’re going to need to make a few renovations before you get started. 

- Do You Need Storage Space During The Move?

For those of you that have lots of stuff to move, you may want to consider hiring storage space during the move. Whether it’s to store excess stock or to store your desks whilst you decorate, having a place to keep all of your assets safe is important. For more information about storage containers, you can visit this site here. 

- Do You Need To Hire A Removal Team?

Another important thing to consider is whether or not you’re going to need to hire a removal team for your move. In most cases, the answer is going to be yes. 

- Will It Require Any 'Down Days' For The Business?

Finally, you need to consider whether or not you’re going to need to have any ‘down days’ as a business. Although you may be able to keep a skeleton team up and running, you may have to warn your customers and clients that you’re going to be unavailable. 

Are you moving to a new office soon? What do you need to consider to ensure the process is as smooth as it can possibly be? Did we miss anything? Let me know your thoughts and ideas in the comments section below.

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