Heading to an Exhibition as a Trader

When you run a small business, it’s highly likely that you generally operate things from one location. This might be your own home or a brick and mortar store. But there are occasional opportunities to reach out to a new location where you can expose your brand to new customers and secure a wider customer base. These opportunities are called exhibitions. Rather than hoping for people to pass by your brick and mortar store or pass through your website online, you can come face to face with potential customers who have attended the exhibition you’re trading at actually looking for what you have to offer. Now, exhibitions can be a whole new experience, but don’t worry. We’ll run through all the information you need to make your first exhibition a profound success!

What Is an Exhibition?

Put simply, an exhibition is a public display of something of interest. So, when you attend an exhibition as a trader, you will generally rent a stall or space within a large hall that will be shared with other businesses operating in a similar field to you. The type of exhibition you attend will depend on what you have to offer. If your company sells food or drink, you should book to attend a food and drink exhibition. If your company sells homeware, attend a homeware exhibition. If you sell clothes, you might want to book a stall at a fashion exhibition. You may also hear certain exhibitions referred to as “gift fairs”. These are pretty much the same as a standard exhibition, but tend to be held around times when people are purchasing gifts for loved ones, such as Christmas.

The Benefits

There are a whole host of benefits that come hand in hand with setting up at exhibitions and gift fairs. You will find yourself setting up in an environment where you are directly in touch with your target audience and where people are willing to spend. Attendees have bought tickets to these events and are actually looking for what you have to offer! This is a great opportunity to let people see your brand and to secure sales.

Making Your Stand Appealing

TWhen you book a stand at an exhibition, you will arrive to something completely plain. So you need to make it as appealing as possible. Make use of promotional materials from https://www.expocart.com/. They’ll show off your branding and make your stand more appealing - really helping you to stand out from the crowd in a positive light!

Special Offers

Generally, people expect special offers when they attend an exhibition or a gift fair. So give them what they’re looking for. This will pay itself off down the line, as hopefully, they will return to you time and time again with their custom.

While you might not have considered setting up at a trade show or gift fair before, there are plenty of benefits that come hand in hand with doing so. Hopefully, the above information will help to prepare you for the first one that you do decide to attend!

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