Stuck On The Bottom Rung? Let's Get You Up That Career Ladder

Some of us are happy to be on the bottom rung of the career ladder. There is less responsibility, potentially less stress, and a comfortable sense of routine.

On the other hand, being at the bottom of the career ladder is undesirable for many of us. There is less money for starters, and in a lot of cases, less job satisfaction. If we're not earning enough, and if we aren't being stretched, that comfortable sense of routine will no longer suffice.

If you're stuck on the bottom rung of the career ladder and want to climb higher, be it for the purposes of increasing your earning potential, or for more personal rewards, here are some tips to help you.

Work hard and be patient

If you're relatively new to your career, remember that you won't climb the career ladder overnight. You need to be patient, working hard to prove to your boss that you have what it takes. Turn up to work on time, get your hands dirty with jobs that may not always be within your job description, and turn in quality work on a daily basis. When your boss sees your efforts and sense of diligence, you may eventually be earmarked for the promotion you are angling for.

Keep learning

In some cases, you will have to take professional qualifications if you want to climb further up the ladder. There are industry-specific examples, such as these nurse practitioner online programs for those in the nursing profession, but then there are those courses that will prove useful for most industries. Consider taking courses in IT and Project Management, as examples. Approach your boss and ask him/her about the courses relevant to your career chances, or do your own research online. The more qualified you are for those higher-paid positions, the better your chance of getting a promotion.

Take the opportunities your employer presents to you

If your boss asks you to go to a meeting or a works conference, then go. If your boss asks you to work overtime occasionally, then do so. If your boss asks somebody in the office to sign up for something specific, then be the first to volunteer your time. If you really want that promotion, you need to show that you are willing to do whatever is asked of you by your employer - within legal reason, of course.

Network with others

You can't be a wallflower when looking for a promotion, so push yourself into meeting those people who can help you. Attend those conferences we mentioned, and speak to those people who may be able to advise you further. Find a mentor, that person who will guide you at every stage in your career. And speak to the people higher up in your profession, and ask them how they got there. The more people who can help you climb to the top, the better, so learn from any advice given to you.

You don't need to stay on the bottom rung of the career ladder forever, so follow our suggestions and start climbing. Just don't forget us little guys when you get to the top!

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