Clicks But No Conversions?

Are people visiting your website, but leaving just as quickly as they enter? If so, you are going wrong somewhere on-site, and you need to fix it sooner rather than later! So, let’s take a look at some of the reasons why you may have clicks but no conversions…

Your website and branding don’t fall in line - Someone should land on your website and automatically know that it is yours! If your branding is confusing, and your website doesn’t match your brand, you are going to struggle to make conversions.

You do not nurture your leads - If you user lands on your website from a mid-funnel keyword. They start to look at your services to find out what you have to offer could meet their requirements. They may even like what they see, but they do not make a purchase. Baffling, right? This usually comes down to the fact that you have not nurtured your leads. This means that you need to help your leads to move through the sales funnel. Even the leads that are the most qualified are not going to be ready to convert as soon as they find your business.

You don’t track your visitors - If you do not invest in website visitor tracking, how are you supposed to know where you are going wrong? This is the best way to understand whether you are attracting the right people. If you are not, the problem lies with SEO. If you are, the issue is with your website.

Your website is not mobile friendly – It is 2018, it’s time to get with the picture! If your website is not responsive, and it is difficult to view on smaller devices, you know what is going to happen… your mobile traffic is going to leave as soon as it arrived!

You are attracting the wrong type of traffic - This leads on from the earlier point about not extracting visitor data. If you were to get data from your website, you would know whether or not you are attracting the right customers. If you are not, this could mean that there is something wrong with your SEO campaign. In all likeliness, you are targetting the wrong keywords. This means that your keywords are not related to your products and services. The best thing to do is focus on conversion-based keywords. Don’t randomly select keyphrases. You need to make sure that the intent behind each one is carefully considered. If your business provides software and tools for personal budgeting, you will want to look for keywords related to finance.

Your contact details are hard to find - If website visitors cannot find your contact details with ease, they are going to do a runner! People don’t like companies that are difficult to make contact with.

You don’t know enough about your audience - You need to have a strong understanding of your audience if you are to make steady sales. Extensive market research on the specific features of your service or product is a recommended place to start. This will help you to understand what each segment of your target base wants to see from your company exactly.

Your website is not HTTPS – If your website is lacking on the security front, you can be pretty sure that people are going to leave. Did you know that every four in 10 of the page-one organic listings on Google are HTTPS? Also, 84 per cent of people have stated they would abandon a purchase if the shopping checkout process was not secure. This highlights why security is of huge importance, and making your website HTTPS is the only place to start.

If any of the issues above apply to your website, you have, hopefully, got to the bottom of why you have plenty of clicks but you do not have enough conversions. It is important to take the advice provided in order to boost your conversion levels sooner rather than later. After all, what use is traffic if it leaves as soon as it arrives? Good luck!

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