Why France Is The Best Place To Retire
Imagine, if you please, an elderly gentleman playing the accordion at a village fête. You listen distractedly, recognising the first notes of the Marseillaise while sipping from a glass of pale rosé wine. It’s Bastille Day. You’re sitting outside a small bistro, in a rural area of France. It ’s around lunchtime, and you’re looking forward to trying to chef’s speciality.
Does it sound idyllic? Yes, it does.
Is it a holiday anecdote? No. This could be real life, all the time if you choose to retire in France. Indeed, Emmanuel Macron’s country is a preferred destination for wealthy pensioners turned expats in their later years. And there are very good reasons for their choice of lifestyle. France offers the chance of a new approach to life, both peaceful and enriching. The main question that remains to answer is namely: Is it easy to retire in France with a house you can call home? You’d be pleased to learn from the experience of numerous expats who have embarked on this adventure, that moving across the Channel is a lot easier than it seems. Be prepared, however, retiring abroad is not only a way to leave your business life behind. It’s also the best choice if you want to improve your lifestyle dramatically.
Property investment is a complex market
You may not be ready to retire yet. But it doesn’t mean you can’t look for your dream property abroad. However, you need to be aware of the challenges of property investment abroad. Indeed, there are plenty of pitfalls you need to take into consideration. While the question of affording the property might not be relevant to you; you still need to consider the risk of losing your investment if you buy the house too early before you retire. Indeed, empty properties can rapidly lose their value and develop flaws. In short, while it’s important to plan ahead for your retirement years, you don’t want to purchase a property you physically can’t look after for the time being. Similarly, if you purchase a property that requires renovation works, you will need to either be present or find a trusted agent who can manage the improvement projects on your behalf. Aside from the cost of renovation, you need to consider carefully the resources you need in this project. It’s a good idea to leave the property with a local real estate agent so that they can organise rental arrangements to ensure the property is lived in and looked after until you’re ready to move abroad.
With Brexit date looming closer, you need to be quick
If you’re looking to secure your future life in the EU before the Brexit deadline, you need don’t have any time to waste. The French government will help you to integrate if you move 6 months or more before the deadline of March 2019. In other words, if you want to put all the chances on your side, you need to make your move as early as in September 2018. However, you don’t need to rush it. If your professional position leaves you enough freedom for remote working arrangements, there’s nothing stopping you from buying property in France. Finding the best region for your personality and tastes can be tricky. You’ll find that the Provence is very dry in summer, so that the property there should be away from pine trees to avoid risks of fire. Central France is typically rural and pleasant, with old barns renovated into homes, but you will need a 4X4 in winter. And finally, the Loire region is a charming environment of manor houses and castles along the river and exquisite cuisine.
France is a competitive economic player again
Why is France a fantastic destination for your retirement? Because the French economy is booming contrary to the British economy that has been experiencing a drop since the referendum. The reasons are varied, but it’s fair to say that President Macron has a lot to do with positive economic measures. Indeed, Macron was already tackling financial matters under François Hollande, and his efforts actively helps to reboot the French economy. The annual growth has picked up in less than a year after his election and France is now closing the gap with Germany in the EU. Macron’s ability to reinvigorate the second largest economy of the Eurozone makes France a wealthy location for your retirement plans.
France has one of the best health care system
Compared to the NHS crisis, France has been voted to have one of the best healthcare systems in the world. Indeed, using your carte vitale – a health insurance card — you can access any medical centres. The carte vitale record your treatment o a microchip and ensures that your details are passed to your insurer, so that you can receive direct reimbursement for your fees. The access to good care is fast and straightforward, and offers strong medical expertise for all. As an expat, you can apply for a carte vitale as soon as you are a permanent resident.
Can you resist the food?
Quite honestly, when you move to France you can finally get to understand the French joie de vivre. Wouldn’t you feel happy if you had a croissant for breakfast every day? The answer is yes, you would. Similarly, you can enjoy a real 2-hour lunch break in restaurants. There is a certain quality of food that comes from the respect the local population give to meals. You don’t just have a sandwich for lunch. You actually take the time to order and eat a full meal.
You’ll enjoy life longer
Finally, France has a very high life expectancy as a result of healthy cuisine, dedicated health system and overall attitude to life. By 2030, women are expected to live to an average age of 88.6. Philippe Vocanson who lived until 110 explained his excellent health via a diet of cheese and chocolate. In other words, the earlier you can retire in France, the longer you’ll get to live!
In conclusion, you might not have been thinking about retiring yet. But France offers many advantages you can’t find in the UK. From quirky properties to quality health care, it’s difficult to resist the appeal of the land of the Eiffel Tower.
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