Want To Create A Thriving Workplace For Your Employees? Here's How

When any entrepreneur begins their journey into work, they possibly dream of the time where they have that corner office and a team of people working hard to bring their vision alive. Of course, that stage doesn’t happen overnight, and it solely begins on your own shoulders. Working hard, day in day out, to build up a company from nothing and turn it into something. To the point where you begin to hire a team of people to take responsibility for certain attributes of your business. You may have a sales focused team, a marketing expert, perhaps even a personal assistant to keep you to your schedule.
However, once you have employees working for you it then becomes your responsibility to keep them in their jobs, working hard and staying with you long term. The last thing any business owner wants is a big staff turnover. Recruitment can cost a lot of money, so it’s essential to believe that once you have the right people in place, that you do everything you can to keep them there. One way to do it is to create a thriving workplace for them to enjoy working in.


Have a clear mission

People honestly to some of their best work, when they know their work matters. This is why it can be important to keep a workplace motivated by having a clear mission stated. This is when your very own mission statement could work well within the workplace. Make it clear and defined, something people want to be proud of to be part of. This ensures that everyone within your company is aligned to achieving the ultimate goal of your business.

Consider work scheduling to aid productivity

Having a work schedule could work well for some employees. Knowing when and where they need to be accountable at any given time. You may be wondering where you should start with it, so one simple idea would be to research some of the top work scheduling apps. Try each of them out and see what might work best for you and your business. It is also a great way to sync diaries and workout when time is free for monthly or quarterly reviews of targets, as well as helping your employees to shine within the workplace.


Welcome people into the fold from the word go

If you find yourself interviewing someone you want to employ, invite them in for an office tour, or even to stay and have lunch with their potential new team. Even signing an offer letter there and then in person so your team can congratulate them on their new position. This can encourage a new person to want to work with you even more as they know exactly who they are working with and where. It’s an ideal way to lock in fantastic candidates and welcome people into the fold.

A united team

When hiring, or indeed merging teams, etc, you might want to ensure that every employee is on the same page when it comes to the mission statement, the company goals, and where you want the business to be. A united team with the same goals will work far better together. Ensuring that you create a great working environment.

Empowering employees in different areas

Sometimes the straightforward hierarchy of management from the top doesn't always work well with your employees. So it might be worth allowing certain individuals within the team to have different responsibilities to help empower your employees on a daily basis. It helps individuals to thrive in their working role. People also operate at their best when opinions are shared, so try and consider empowering employees by letting them have their say and voices heard. Regular meeting with management to bring up issues and also celebrate successes is a great way to do this.

Ensure the workplace itself has all the right facilities

People spend a huge chunk of their waking time in work. So it’s important to ensure that the working environment is fit for purpose. Make sure office space is warm in the winter and cool in the summer. Have decent break out areas where drinks can be made or food can be stored. Even offering facilities to heat up meals on colder days. The health of your employees is vitally important, so you may want to consider offering free healthy meals for lunches, yoga sessions in the office, or time away for their desks to exercise. Perhaps even an onsite gym and changing facilities to encourage regular exercise before or after work.


Have clearly defined goals in place for your team

It is vitally important to ensure that your team knows where they stand when it comes to targets and goals. But it is also important to make sure that these targets are realistic. The last thing you want to do is for your team to feel demotivated because they feel that they can’t achieve the goals that have been set. This could then encourage them to leave and look for employment elsewhere.

Show gratitude often

People will thrive in the workplace if they feel they are appreciated for the work they do. In fact, more people would agree that they love to hear praise or have a job well done. So doing this when credit is due will only encourage your employee to keep doing a good job, because, in theory, they want to be praised again. It’s simple psychology that could help create a positive working environment where everyone thrives.

Break the routine every once in awhile

Finally, working and sticking to the same schedule each day can become monotonous, so try and break things up a little very now and then and change things. Perhaps adding specially themed days or weeks where you get involved with a charity. Encourage staff to take it in turns to bring treats in. Perhaps add special sales days where spot prizes are on offer. Think outside of the box with this.

I hope these tips help you create a thriving workplace for your employees.

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