How to get a takeaway for free!

Eat for free

There's a common phase in economics that says that "there's no such thing as a free lunch". Having just discovered the latest product from Uber I now know that this is incorrect. There really is such a thing as a free lunch - seriously!

Business disruption

Uber, the well know taxi app that's seriously disrupting the mini cab and black cab market have set there targets on disrupting the equilibrium in another market. The food delivery market has been dominated in recent years by Companies such as JustEat and Deliveroo. But now UberEats, Uber's new venture is hoping to steel market share.

Uber are the ultimate masters when it comes to product launches around the world. Their execution is textbook perfect. They have realised that the biggest obstacle for someone trying a new service is the hassle of having to set up the darn thing, download the app, put in your address and payment details. If someone asked you to politely do it you would never get around to doing it. With Uber's original launch they offered (and still do) new users £15 credit if they signed up. As a bonus you could invite others to join Uber as a reward for more credit. Your friend would also enjoy the same welcome bonus. They too could add others ad infinitum. Walla - you have your product launch and its spread like wildfire! Anyone looking to launch an app or a product could gain hugely from analysing Uber's marketing strategy.

UberEats is now following exactly the same tactics. In order to encourage people to be willing to sign up and input their details they are offering first time users a free lunch (or dinner). This isn't a scam, nor is it spam, this is a genuine free lunch opportunity. Once you've signed using the code below (or anyone else's code) then you can start inviting others and rack up those free lunches. If you don't actually want to give UberEats any money then don't worry, you don't have to use the app ever again. Just enjoy your free meal and delete the app.

How to get a free lunch

Want a free lunch or dinner delivered to you today? Get £10 off your first order on #UberEATS with my code: eats-ashleyb2893.

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