Four Automotive Marketing Ideas

Advertising ideas that work well for other industries might not work as well for you if your business is in the automotive industry, such as auto repair, dealership, bodywork, auto parts and accessories, or car wash business. The challenge for the automotive industry is that people don’t think about it until they need your services. How can you make sure that yours if the first business that they think of and find when they start looking. Here are some top marketing ideas for the automotive sales and service industry that will help you drive customers to your business. 

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  1. Establish your web presence and optimise it. It seems obvious, but many auto repair shops either don’t have a website at all, or they have one that nobody has updated for five years. Those looking to buy, fix, or customise a car will usually start by looking online. They may get referrals from friends on Facebook, look at directories of auto dealers, or just Google ‘auto repairs near me’. If you don’t have a web presence that is well set-up, then nobody will find you. At an absolute minimum, you ought to have a website, a blog, social media accounts for your business, and an email marketing list. All of these should be optimised with keywords and phrases that customers might be searching for to lead them to you. 

  2. Network. Form relationships with others in your industry. If you do auto repair, you can connect with local dealerships by letting them know that you’re available to take on any overflow repair or services. Word of mouth referrals from the sales team at a local dealership can be a big boost to a repair or customisation business. If you’re a car wash, you can gain business from a dealership or rental company. Build a network. Drop off business cards to other business, or promotional items like printed air fresheners (find more info online). 

  3. Offer incentives for referrals. Everybody likes to get something for free, even if it’s only something small. Nobody is going to recommend your business if your service is poor in any way, but sometimes, even if you offer great service, you might not get the recognition that you deserve. Prompt your customers to recommend you to their friends. Let them know that you value their business, with a thank you gift or service. Invite them to like your Facebook page, ask them to sign up for special offers via email, and encourage them to share. People are often sceptical about automotive businesses, so a suggestion from a friend can go a long way. 

  4. Be accessible. In the automotive industry, whether it’s sales, repair work, or customisation, not only will people look for you online, but they will also do a lot of their research and decision making before then even make it through your front door. Give them plenty of information on your website, blog, and social media pages about the services or products you offer to help them make those decisions. Make sure your contact information, especially your phone number, is prominently featured. Add a way for customers to ask questions via a web form, email, or chatbox. Respond quickly, and politely to any inquiries that you get, and don’t push for a sale.

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