Are 3D number plates legal?

Customising number plates has been a popular practise in the UK over recent years. With more and more people opting to buy private number plates, they are looking for original ways to capture people’s attention with their vehicle

Recently, 3D printing on number plates has become a way of adding a personalised touch. This involves a method of having a resin placed over the characters to make them 3D and stand out from the background. If this is something you’re interested in adding to your number plate then read below for all of the details and regulations you must follow. 

What are the rules on number plates? 

It’s no secret that the DVLA have tight regulations on registration plates, so it comes to no surprise that many people are unsure whether or not they are allowed a 3D printed number plate. Here is a list of some of the rules you must comply by when it comes to owning a private number plate: 

  • The characters must be displayed in black
  • The character font must be the standard ‘Charles Wright’ font 
  • Front plate displays a white background, with the rear plate displaying a yellow, reflective background. 
  • Nothing is allowed to obstruct the plate 
  • No football logos or badges are allowed 
  • Only country flags and the EU symbol can be displayed as badges 
  • No italic fonts are allowed 
  • The business you bought the plate off must be named in the central bottom part of the plate, along with an address

Are 3D number plates legal? 

In short, yes 3D number plates are legal. There are no rules in the DVLA laws on registration plates that state that they can’t be 3D. As long as the characters can be read and are created in the suitable font (Charles Wright). If you are looking to purchase a 3D number plate, be sure that the company that are creating the plate comply with the British Standards and are well known in the industry. 

How are 3D number plates made? 

If you’re interested in having your private number plate printed 3D then you will be paying a premium price, however the results will make your vehicle look unique and stand out on the roads. 3D plates are made by covering characters in a polyurethane gel resin that raises them and allows them to stand out from the background. There are several steps to having a 3D plate made: 

  1. First of all, the characters of the plate are cut to the appropriate and legal measurements. 
  2. Next, the gel resin coats the characters to allow them to become raised. 
  3. From here, the character is placed into a low heat oven to remove any bubbles, then removed and allowed to cool. 
  4. When the plates have cooled down and solidified, the adhesive is peeled off the pack and the characters are stuck to the plate. 
  5. Finally, the plate is rolled through an airtight roller and is then ready to be fitted to your vehicle. 

If you’re looking for a quicker or cheaper option to 3D printing, you can opt to have the characters made in two-tone colours to give them a 3D effect. This is the perfect option if you are want a 3D look without splashing out the money for a full domed printing technique. 

Now you know that 3D number plates are legal, it’s time to look for a business that can safely and legal do the printing for you. Once it has been completed, you will have a truly unique private number plate.

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