Setting Short Term Goals

Following my previous article on updating ones Get rich Plan I felt the need to outline my short term goals financially and for this blog. I realise that this post is a very personal one however I encourage all who read it to take action and take 5 minutes right now to update your own financial goals.

Setting Short Term Goals

I love setting goals. I'm like a better looking version of Santa: I'm forever making lists and checking them twice.
Goals are good for all of us. They make us focus our efforts and remind us of what's important in our lives ensuring that we don't forget the important things in our lives.
Setting yourself any old goals is useless task, just as I have clearly done in the picture (whilst I like eating very much, all but the last are not things to go on a short term list of goal!).

In bold writing below are my key points to keep in mind when writing ones personal goals.
A goal should be challenging enough to push yourself. Without a challenge you aren't motivated to achieve. This is because the sense of achievement is removed by the ease in which the task is completed.
However, a goal must be achievable. To write something like "I want to be able to breathe in space" is a waste of time. Make sure the goal will be something physically possible!
Furthermore, you need to give yourself a deadline for the goal. Otherwise you may just find yourself putting the tasks to reach your goals off. Which reminds me, never ever say, "I'll just do it tomorrow". The old irritating phrase IS true, "tomorrow never comes".
I think the best advise that I can give you is to write down your goals somewhere where you'll obviously see them. This means that you can't avoid your goals. Even better if you can see them every day. I keep a 'note' open on my smartphone. I am constantly updating my list ensuring that I keep on top of things.

Personal Goals
Alexa traffic ranking is a rough measure of a website's popularity, compared with all the others out there on the internet. The ranking system takes into account both the number of visitors and the number of pages viewed on each visit. The lower the ranking, the more popular the website.
"All communication is good communication"
This site began with an Alexa ranking of about 20 million. In less than two months the rank will soon pass below the 1 million mark. The ranking system works on an exponential scale which means that my progress will slow down naturally as I progress in reducing my score.
My aim is to reduce my traffic ranking below 200,000 (completing the Yakezie Challenge) by the beginning of July. This will e tough but I will be incredibly proud if this is achieved. It is at this point that I must once again thank my readership. Without you,, all this progress would not be possible, so many many thanks to you all. Please keep reading, enjoy, comment, criticize, share. All communication is good communication!!!

I want to continue to save, spend carefully, and invest wisely. Furthermore I wish to establish a strong financial setup in terms of credit cards, current and savings accounts, and how they all interlink. Personally, I feel that there isn't enough information out there about how to achieve this so I will be conveying my methods in future articles.

What are your short term goals?
Is there any other guideline(s) that you would add to my advice on setting goals?

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Barb Friedberg said...

Good luck with the goal setting. I like the santa analogy, very cute :)

Mr. Moneybanks said...

Thanks Barbara, appreciate it coming from you

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